Best Free Mexican Tarot Card Reading

Mark Macsparrow
2 min readMay 12, 2020


There are a lot of places to get a tarot reading but where is the best place to get a free mexican tarot card reading online?

When it comes to the Tarot there are a whole bunch of different factors that come into play. You need to find someone who matches your belief, ethics and style with the Tarot first of all (always my first advice). Someone who can take the time and go over your spread without rushing it.

It also depends what you mean by Mexican Tarot card reading. The style of the deck? The type of spread? The reader to speak Spanish?

First up I’ll say what I always say. Tarot websites with automatically generated spreads are going to tell you whatever you want to hear. It’s about as accurate as just flipping a coin.

If you want a free tarot spread from an actual person click here instead.

If you prefer generic ones then there’s also videos like this:

A free reading is also going to be limited — and you have to accept that. Either you have generic videos or auto generated spreads like most sites or you’re going to have limited access to their time. All professionals require payment for their services. Here are some of what a professional offers:

1- Years of study and expertise. You may not see a diploma on the wall but readers have spend years reading, studying, and perfecting their skill.

2- If done online you are paying for their time and part of internet service, they need a computer, they need tarot cards etcc

3- If done in person you also have use of: Washroom, toilet paper, tissues, paper, chairs, cleaning service, water, electricity,

and the list goes on.

If you cannot afford a reading ask if the reader has a sliding scale but generally if a reader is doing all of their work for free then at a certain point you have to ask why.

The alternative is learning to read the Tarot for yourself and doing your own spread. This would be my suggestion because it also gives you access to a whole new world of intuition through the cards — which anyone can access.



Mark Macsparrow

Mark has been working with the Tarot and his own spiritual development for around two decades. He shares his opinion on spiritual matters with a NO BS approach.