Getting the Emperor Tarot Yes or No Questions

Mark Macsparrow
3 min readMay 18, 2020


The Emperor Tarot card is an interesting major arcana and a high energy card. I still don’t fully support relying on a single card for a yes or no question however.

I know you’re looking for a simple yes or no answer here but if you do this your Tarot reading is as useful as flipping a coin.

First of all, using a single Tarot card is always doing yourself and the Tarot a diservice. The cards true meaning and the answers they give have far more weight with the position and combination of other cards in a spread. If you want a (free) complete spread done for you in the next 1–2 hours just give your question details here and I’ll do one for you.

The Emperor tarot card is associated with the father and all things paternal. He is generally male and a symbol of power, force and masculine energy. As the counterpart to the feminine Empress, he is an eternal symbol of leadership, authority and self-discipline.

The Emperor, dressed in robes of red, sits upon his throne with four rams’ heads as decoration. These all are symbols of the zodiac sign Ares (the ram) and the planet Mars (war), and under all this is a suit of armor which offers the protection and confidence needed to take on new challenges. The long, white beard is also another sign of wisdom and knowledge only age and experience can offer. This card is all about action, promotion and masculine energy concepts.

This card is often welcomed as a sign that you do possess a great inner well of strength and determination. Often, the Emperor is an indication of a necessary change headed your way. The Emperor card is typically a Yes, especially when it comes to matters of career, finances or questions connected to relationships. You may be called upon to shoulder a new load or step up and tackle situations and roles new to you.

But you will be ready. In readings specifically for money and career success, the Emperor card is one of the most desirable ones. Seeing this card is a strong suggestion that you have a plan and know what it will take you achieve the career and financial success you crave. However, this reading can be a reminder that you may not know everything and could use the help of an authority figure or mentor to help escalate or stimulate your career. Just like a loving and protective father, the Emperor may be a little overbearing and direct, but always emanates from a place of love, support and encouragement.

However if you had other cards too on your reading then it can change your answer depending on which other cards popped out in your reading.

Well, emperor card in you reading signifies you would definitely earn a lot. The card is of King so he would definitely have monetary blessings.

But there are no free lunches. To earn this you have to put your efforts too.

Understand, emperor card means — authority, rules and regulations, law and order, structure and organisation.

Irrespective of where ever you work and whatever kind/type of work you do, you will have to accommodate proper structure at your work place. Your work and team must be structured and organised. Your work must be built on certain policies. And you and your team must follow rules in order to achieve desired success, reputation and monetary blessings.

You must keep your hold and authority because if you show yourself as weak and laid back, nobody would be encouraged enough to work for you and thus no money.

In order to achieve what you want you must follow whatever emperor does to build his empire and kingdom.



Mark Macsparrow
Mark Macsparrow

Written by Mark Macsparrow

Mark has been working with the Tarot and his own spiritual development for around two decades. He shares his opinion on spiritual matters with a NO BS approach.

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