How to Talk to a Psychic Free of Charge
Many psychics and readers charge varying amounts. Some base it on their time, others on their experience or the complexity of your question. Others base it solely on how many other readers are in the area.
It used to be some readers would charge thousands of dollars just for an hour with them. Luckily the internet has changed all of this and now you can reach readers around the world much, much easier than before.
If you’re trying to get a real person by email (and not a generic website script) I suggest The Tarot Guru. Just send your question and get a reply within a few hours from a Tarot reader sent straight to your email.
When I was a young man about 25 years old, I met a girl who mentioned her stepmother was a well know psychic in Philadelphia. I had no interest whatsoever in those things but was pressured to get a reading. I had mentioned that when I was in college I had 3 recurring dreams which I knew were visions of the past. The lady had many clients and she had a full schedule but scheduled me in for her stepdaughter.
In my visions I was a Roman Senator in a battle field with Roman soldiers. I was reading prayers to the Roman God Mars for a battle that was going to happen at daylight. We knew we were trapped and would be killed. It was a small detachment of soldiers. The Providence was under attack by furious barbarians who were killing every Roman man, woman, and child they could find. Burning crops and killing animals and raping as they advanced. In this vision I was sent to help save as many Romans as possible. Many bridges were cut down to slow their advance. We had one last bridge, it crossed a fast moving river that was impossible to swim across. Any person who could not walk fast or was carried in a litter could not get on the bridge because it meant those behind them would be killed. We needed to get as many people across as possible. It was hard to pull people out because they we too old or crippled but necessary. In this vision my soldiers and I were killed at first light.
In my visions I was a Roman Senator in a battlefield with Roman soldiers. I was reading prayers to the Roman God Mars for a battle that was going to happen at daylight. We knew we were trapped and would be killed. It was a small detachment of soldiers. The Providence was under attack by furious barbarians who were killing every Roman man, woman, and child they could find. They were burning crops and killing animals and raping as they advanced. In this vision I was sent to help save as many Romans as possible. Many bridges were cut down to slow their advance. We had one last bridge, it crossed a fast moving river that was impossible to swim across. Any person who could not walk fast or was carried in a litter could not get on the bridge because it meant those behind them would be killed. We needed to get as many people across as possible. It was hard to pull people out because they were too old or crippled but necessary. In this vision my soldiers and I were killed at first light. I have extensive scars from surgery today that match the location I was slashed in that fateful massacre in the distant past.
The woman who was about 50 years old and did a tea reading. I drank from the tea cup and the tea leaves were swirled around, she gazed into them. She said she saw me next to an American flag. She said I was going back into the military and would travel extensively. I found this hard to believe since I had just gotten out of active duty. She read tarot cards for me and said I’d marry several times, have 3 daughters and a son, and that one of my stepchildren would die young. She then confirmed that by looking at the side of my palm, and pointed out one line was cut short. I was told I’d eventually live on the border of North and South Carolina. I was told I’d work on computers and would be a professional. At that time I had never touched a computer. I’d make a decent living and my last marriage would be to a woman that dyed her hair but was actually blonde. I really did not believe any of what I was being told. She was nice but I didn’t really think psychics were authentic. Even when the reading was officially over, she was seeing visions off my shoulder, she vividly described my ex girlfriend, she said she was at that moment thinking of me, and was wearing a white uniform and had short blonde hair. I never mentioned her to her stepdaughter, besides she lived over a thousand miles away. At that point I was uneasy and really wondered what was going on?
She told me what kind of jobs my children would do when grown, and what part of the country they would move to. Victoria would travel the globe then live in Europe. Billy would move North and marry a woman named Kelly. My youngest daughter Jillian would study science and Jamie would work in the entertainment industry. She also spoke about horrific hurricanes and flooding. The term Global Warming did not exist then. She said the weather was rapidly going to change and cause much suffering.
I was told one of my direct descendants, a child or grandchild will make a most amazing scientific discovery that would transform the world. This very very important discovery would save Earth from certain destruction, the Earth was heating up. I was told I’d still be alive and see this announced on TV but it would be so incredible I’d have trouble believing it happened. This descendant will meet Presidents and Kings, and would have schools named after them, and they’d travel all over the Earth.
40 years have passed and all the things I was told actually happened exactly as I was foretold. Only one thing is remains to happen and that the descendant who will make the big discovery and save our planet. I’m wondering who it will be. My children are now old enough to have their own children. So it looks like it may be perhaps 25 years from now. My last name is Robson, my daughter Victoria recently married a scientist. They combined the two family last names to “Robkis” I said to them it will be a new dynasty. They plan to have children.
So that’s my story, in my family we call it the “Robson Prophecy”.
I am absolutely certain this is going to come to pass. I’m already proud and overjoyed as I wait for this event to happen. I’m overjoyed my descendant will do wondrous things. In a way I feel blessed I had a small part in it all.
I don’t go to psychics but that one visit was plenty for me. I was told the Roman I saw in my visions was me in a previous life. I recently visited Rome and Pompeii. While there I felt I once lived there, I had a sense of peace and love learning about the Roman Empire.
Funny thing is, I don’t recall that woman’s name, yet I recall everything she told me. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. Some people truly do have special gifts