Powerful 3 Card Tarot Spread For Love
Seeking advice and answers relating to love is one of the most popular reasons people seek tarot card readings. Whether you are confused about your feelings or your partners, wishing to seek the longevity of a relationship or rather you should commit yourself to said relationship.
Or maybe you simply wish to know if there is a way to improve your current relationship, tarot cards may hold the answers. Below, we have listed three of the most popular 3 card tarot spread for love readings you may wish to have, depending on the knowledge you are seeking.
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Relationship Dynamic Diagnosis
If you are questioning your feelings, or your partners, in your relationship, then this 3 card tarot spread for love will define the dynamic of your relationship. The reading will provide you with your desired clarity on the feelings and roles you and your partner are perceived to hold in the relationship. A final card will further symbolize your relationship as a whole.
First Card — Your Feelings
The first card that you will draw will be the card that represents you within the relationship. The card can be interpreted in a few different ways. For example, the card may represent the role that you perceive yourself as having in the relationship, or perhaps how you view yourself as an individual and how the relationship you are currently in has effected that.
Second Card — Your Partner & Their Feelings
Similar to the first card, the second card you draw will symbolize the feelings of your partner in the relationship. Or, perhaps, the card will represent how you feel about your partner in the relationship rather than what their role is. Either way, this card will help you discover your personal feelings about the role in which your partner fills within the relationship.
Third Card — The Relationship Dynamic
The final card you will draw will symbolize the dynamic within your relationship. This card may be an all-encompassing definition of your relationship is or may simply provide an important characteristic or trait of your relationship. This could either be a complimentary card, or perhaps a sign on something you may need to work in the future.
Future Of The Relationship
Perhaps you have recently started a relationship with an individual, or are considering beginning one, and you wish to know how the relationship may progress in the future. If so, then this three card spread to discover the future of your relationship will be the one for you.
First Card — What You Want From The Relationship
The first card that you will draw will symbolize what you want from the relationship. This could define your personal feelings, whether they are platonic or romantic as well as the duration and type of relationship you desire with a specific individual.
Second Card — What Your Partner Wants From The Relationship
Whereas, the second card will represent what your partner (or potential partner) wants from the relationship. Once you have these two cards, you can compare them to see whether your desires and expectations match each other and if the relationship you are in will stand the test of time.
Third Card — The Future Of The Relationship
Once you have the desires of both yourself and your partner, the last card you draw will symbolize the overall future of the relationship. This could define the longevity of the relationship, the type of relationship it will be, or describe a specific element of what the relationship may become.
Relationship Improvement
This final 3 card tarot spread for love is for those that are looking to either improve the current relationship they are in, or it will help them to work towards developing a deeper connection with their partner.
First One — What Brings You Both Together
The first card you draw will represent an important element of your relationship, or perhaps an individual personality trait, that is key to bringing the two of you together. This card may also relate to an outside influencing element that is not part of your personal relationship, such as a different person or situation that one or both of you are involved in.
Second Card — What Pulls The Pair Of You Apart
Contrastingly, the second card will symbolize what is pulling the pair of you apart. Whether this is a characteristic of your relationship, a personality trait of yourself or your partner or even an outside influencing element that is effecting your relationship negatively.
Third Card — What Do You Need To Focus Your Attention On
After identifying the key elements of your relationship that are bringing you together and pulling you apart, the last card will represent what may need attention in your relationship. Usually, this will be an element or a personal trait of either your relationship that one or both of you identify with that needs to change. If you continue to ignore this conflicting issue in your relationship, it could put the longevity of your relationship in peril.