Powerful Crush Tarot Spread

Mark Macsparrow
4 min readMay 21, 2021


One of the most popular reasons people seek tarot card readings is for advice relating to the relationship they are in, or one that they are pursuing. If you have developed a crush on an individual and wish to discover whether they feel the same.

Or perhaps you know your feelings are returned, but something is keeping you apart. We have two crush tarot spreads that will help you discover the truth.

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Should You Pursue Your Secret Crush?

The first ‘crush tarot spread’ that we have for you will help you if you are the person with the crush, and you are wondering what the recipient’s feelings towards you are. Should you reveal your feelings? Or should you keep them to yourself? This crush tarot spread will give you the answers you seek.

What Are Your Feelings For This Individual?

The first card that is drawn will reveal to you the true nature of your feelings for this individual. Is it simply lust? A crush you may get over in time? Or maybe you are feeling genuine love for this individual and it will be a relationship that, if allowed to blossom, can last the test of time.

How Do They Feel About You?

Now that you know your true feelings for your crush, the second card to be drawn will reveal what your crush’s feelings are towards you. This card may reveal whether your crush returns your feelings, or perhaps they only have platonic feelings for you. Either way, this card will provide you with the closure you need to move forward with this person — whether it is towards a friendship or relationship.

What Would Their Reaction To Your Feelings Be?

If the two previous cards compliment each other and you wish to reveal your feelings, or if you just want to come clean to your crush, this card will reveal what their reaction to your crush will be. This card could indicate a change in your relationship with your crush, either positive or negative, and how the relationship may develop going into the future.

How Should You Act Around Them?

The fourth card to be drawn will inform how you should act towards your crush. This may suggest either a confident or shy approach, or whether you should make either platonic or romantic actions and suggestions. As each card is drawn, remember to read the cards together — if the spread is steadily showing that your crush only has platonic feelings towards you then the relationship may only remain as a friendship.

Do They Have Another Person In Their Life?

The Penultimate card will reveal to you whether your crush has another person in their live. This usually shows that your crush may either have a crush on someone themselves or that they are already in a relationship. Perhaps this is the sign you need to not pursue a relationship that would more than likely be doomed from the start. On the other hand, this card may reveal that your crush is single and ready for a relationship.

What Will Be The Outcome Of This Crush?

The last card that is drawn maybe the one that you have been most looking forward to receiving, and that is whether your crush on this individual will have a positive or negative outcome. A positive card here could show that a potential relationship between you and your crush may result in love and last the test of time. Whereas a negative card may symbolize that your crush does not reciprocate your feelings, or that a relationship between the two of you might end badly.

What Is Standing In The Way Between You And Your Crush?

Perhaps you know that both you and your crush share the same feelings towards each other, but you still have not gotten together. This crush tarot spread will reveal an obstacle that is standing in your way.

Your Crush

The first card to be drawn will relate to your crush. This card usually displays to you something that you do not already know about your crush. This could either be a personality trait they are hiding or you have not seen. Or it may relate to a past life event or experience that they have gone through, that you have not discussed yet.

The Obstacle Between You Both

The next card will display the obstacle that is between the pair of you, that is keeping you from being together. This will always represent something that you are not aware of, perhaps your crush is keeping something from you. In order for the relationship between you and your crush to begin, you must discover what this obstacle is and resolve it.


The last card you will draw will represent you in this situation. You should not be alarmed if you do not recognize yourself on this card. It is normal for an individual to go through changes in their personality when they have a crush. You must consider, however, that your changes in behavior may relate to the obstacle that is keeping you separate from your crush. Alternatively, you may recognize yourself in the card that you have drawn.



Mark Macsparrow
Mark Macsparrow

Written by Mark Macsparrow

Mark has been working with the Tarot and his own spiritual development for around two decades. He shares his opinion on spiritual matters with a NO BS approach.

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