Powerful Tarot Spreads For Spirit Communication
Let’s delve into the world of spirits, spirituality and spirited spiritualism.
For those who like to communicate with spirits they believe are haunting them, interacting with them or otherwise present, there is a popular way to do so with ease. Adherents warn that not all spirits can be communicated via tarot spreads as some prefer tea leaves or automated writing.
Tarot cards, according to spiritualists, are a way to draw down a spirit and offer it a way of communing with you. You will need to establish a clear method of communication, e.g. pendulums or odd and even cards for yes and no answers.
If you’d like me to do a tarot spread for you just click here and send me the details. Your reading will be sent to you within a few hours tops.
You will need at least 6 cards and must make very clear to the spirit exactly how you will help them.
Mediums warn that people must be careful when summoning spirits. Like people, some are naughty, some are nice. Not all spirits are kind. Much like when dealing with living humans, mediums advise that you should take everything they say with a pinch of salt. If you are faced with a disgruntled, rude or unhelpful spirit — get rid of it. You do not need negativity in your life, even from the dead. Be wary of using introductory spreads with spirits that you already know.
How do you use tarot spreads to communicate with spirits? Which cards do you need? How do you deal with unfriendly spirits and is there a way of summoning specific spirits?
Whether you simply want to know if there are any local spirits, are interested in an undead relationship or are desperate to reconnect with a spirit you loved, the Tarot can give you an opening to speak to them.
Tarot spreads are also one of the best ways to communicate with your spirit guide. Theirs is the language of symbols which combines well with the Tarot cards to give you the clearest explanation of their messages.
Pay attention to the suit of the card. Pentacles refer to health, home and money while Wands are about taking action, being creative and getting inspired. Swords represent the mind, thoughts and communication while Cups signify relationships and emotion.
- Never allow the spirit to enter your mind
- Tell the spirit it may only guide your hand to the right card
- Tell the spirits that you have the power to end the session when you want
- Tell it exactly how you want it to communicate or confirm a card