Powerful True Love Tarot Reading
Many people seek tarot card readings for various different reasons. Whether they are seeking guidance, advice on a career path or help with family or friendship issues. But one of the most popular reasons tarot card readings are sought is due to people seeking clarity and advice on their romantic relationships.
In particular, people wish to discover the longevity of their relationship and will often seek a true love tarot reading, to find out whether they have found ‘the one’. Below we have included two popular tarot card spreads that will be used during a true love tarot reading, so you can further understand the cards laid out before you.
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True Love Tarot Spread
When you are seeking a true love tarot reading, this will often be the tarot spread that will be used. This detailed look into your relationship will inform you of your personal feelings, your partner’s feelings, and your relationship characteristics. The reading will finish with you discovering whether it is indeed true love.
Your Feelings
The first card that will be drawn will symbolize your feelings in the relationship. You will gain insight into your approach and outlook of the relationship, these will either be feelings you are aware of or perhaps subconscious beliefs.
Your Partners Feelings
Differing from the first card, the second card that will be drawn will represent your partner’s feelings and approach. This will allow you to learn what your partner’s expectations of the relationship are, and you will get an early sign whether their feelings match with your own.
What Brings You Together
Also known as the card of connection, the third card to be drawn will represent what brings you and your partner together. This could relate to mutual personality traits or shared life experiences, this is an important card to identify what strengthens your relationship.
Strengths Of The Relationship
The fourth card to be drawn will symbolize the strengths within your relationship. You may find that this card will compliment the previous one, however this card in particular will represent the qualities in your relationship which allow it to continue to blossom.
Weaknesses Of The Relationship
Contrasting from the previous card, the penultimate card to be drawn will display the weaknesses in your relationship. No relationship is perfect, even when it is true love. Therefore, understanding the weaknesses in your relationship will allow it to continue to develop and get stronger.
The Card Of True Love
Having taken into account the previous five cards, the last card to be drawn will answer your question as to whether it is true love. Not only will you get the answer you seek, but you will also gain insight into the areas you need to improve your relationship to get the most out of it.
Three Card True Love Tarot Reading
If you are not looking for an in-depth insight into your current relationship, and simply wish to seek whether you have a future with your current partner and if it is true love. You may wish to have a three card true love tarot reading instead.
The Past
The first card that will be drawn will symbolize the past. This card is likely to represent the foundation of your relationship, and the events that occurred in its beginning stages. In order to understand whether your relationship will last the test of time, and if it true love, you need to recognize the beginning of your relationship.
The Present
Following on from the past, the second card that will be drawn will represent the present day. This will symbolize the current state of your relationship. A positive card here will bode well for your relationship, whereas a negative one may make you question whether your relationship is indeed true love. Perhaps there will be elements of your relationship you can work on and improve.
The Future
The last card will represent the future of your relationship. Having sought a true love tarot reading, this may be the card that you are most looking forward to getting. As having a positive card here would indicate longevity in your relationship. If your relationship is bound to last the test time, it would symbolize that your partner is your true love.