Queen Of Swords Reversed Love (Real Meaning)

Mark Macsparrow
3 min readJun 15, 2020


The Queen of Swords is a card you often see in love Tarot spreads but she doesn’t often arrive reversed which makes it an interesting meaning. Before we get too much into the Queen of Swords reversed love meaning however, I really need to give you a warning.

And I say this when anyone asks about the single meaning of any card. The real guidance from the Tarot comes from the combination of the entire spread. A meaning can change greatly depending on the other cards surronding it.

Our love life can be complicated enough without adding further confusion to it. If you’d like me to do a tarot spread for you just click here and send me the details. Your reading will be sent to you within a few hours tops.

That out of the way, let’s look at what the reversed Queen of Swords might mean for your love life.

The Queen of swords is an enigmatic card. Plain and simple, its enigma lies in the lack of clues that we have to interpret it on. The Queen of swords depicts usually just the outline of a woman, perched on a throne, holding an outstretched card. Some versions simply have a sword displayed on a white background. Clouds accumulate in the sky above the woman and winds of change sweep across the horizon. She faces towards the future with her left hand poised to receive and her right fist clasping an upright sword of truth.

The danger of the Queen of swords is that whilst the upright position shows the unbiased option, unconditional love, clear boundaries and communication, an older woman in your life who will step in and help you — the reversed queen of swords shows just the opposite. It can mean that your memory and interpretation of events is distorted. You do not necessarily have a clear picture of what happened. Your view is clouded.

What the queen of swords reversed shows for love, is that you do not have the truth, you should listen to your partner’s version of events. Be open to their way of seeing things. It could also indicate looming trauma or past burnings.

The queen of swords is a minor arcana card. With 4 suites of 14 cards, the swords represent powerful forces whilst the queen indicates a feminine presence. We all want to know what will be and what truly is and those who swear by tarots will tell you that a tarot spread is a path to true knowledge.

The usual interpretation is a cool-headed, ruthless woman, usually with a very specific agenda. There is a positive aspect to this circumstance.

If the Queen represents the person you’re reading for, she might have to set aside her feelings and do whatever harsh task needs to be done. For example, if her thirty or forty year old son won’t move out and is causing her grief, she may need to take legal action.

If the card represents someone else in their lives, the Queen may be a cop or a lawyer. She may be a budget consultant, an auditor, even a surgeon. The positive interpretation of the Queen of Swords reversed, is a woman who has to take decisive action for the greater good, even though she will cause some suffering.

Contemplate the Three of Swords, If you want to get to know the righteous, reversed Queen of Swords. The meaning is clear, it means to cut something away, in order to preserve what’s left; to cause pain in order to promote healthy growth.



Mark Macsparrow

Mark has been working with the Tarot and his own spiritual development for around two decades. He shares his opinion on spiritual matters with a NO BS approach.