The Chariot Reversed As Feelings In The Tarot

Mark Macsparrow
5 min readMay 12, 2021

he chariot is an interesting card to read but before we get into what this card means reversed, it’s important to understand what the chariot means upright. So, upright, this card represents victory and success, overcoming obstacles, determination, hard work, and self-discipline. It means that you have control of your life, you have the motivation to go for the things you want. Naturally, when the card appears in reverse it represents, lack of direction, no self-control, being overcome by obstacles, and feeling powerless.

The Chariot Reversed General Meaning

The chariot reversed means that you’re being blocked from moving forward in your life, you might be feeling stuck. Something is stopping you from reaching your goals, and that something is most likely yourself. There is a lack of focus on what you want to accomplish, it’s possible that this blockage you have is the one that is making you feel confused and lost. Most likely, the reason why you’re stuck is that you’re going after the wrong goals. Your goals are not realistic based on the situation you’re experiencing. In order to get out of this situation, you need to set better goals, focus on small goals first and then proceed to go one step further.

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The Chariot Reversed as Your Feelings Now

Now, as feelings, this card represents a lack of power over your life, feeling helpless about the situation you are currently in. You feel you have no control of your life anymore. You are also going through a lack of will to keep going in a certain direction. You’re not getting what you want and that’s making you feel trapped, you feel that it doesn’t matter what you do, you can’t go forward. These feelings are completely normal, but you need to get out of this loop. It’s okay to feel lost sometimes, you need to experience confusion before you can see the clarity. However, it’s not good nor healthy to be in this situation for too long. Now, you’ve been feeling this way for too long, it’s time to reclaim your life.

You need to stop pretending everything is okay and stop being in the passenger seat of your life. Change has to be done and you need to get back in the driver’s seat. As the chariot reversed refers to being powerless, take a look at the things you have under your control, that is your thoughts, emotions, and actions. You can’t control what happens externally, so stop stressing about it, you can’t control it no matter how hard you try. Instead, start building your confidence and trust back by taking care of yourself in every aspect possible, only then can you start making progress to change your life. It is possible, you only need to do the work.

You might also feel anger, confusion, and frustration as you don’t know what step to take next. It’s also likely that people close to you have been draining the energy out of you. You might try to help everyone, but doing so is taking the power away from you. It’s okay to help others in need, you need to keep your boundaries, otherwise, people might take advantage of your good intentions. If people have been too demanding, it’s necessary to take a step back and recharge your energy. As I said, helping others is not bad at all, but you need to be clear in who you’re helping and if it’s affecting you in any bad way. Establish your boundaries.

The Chariot Reversed as Someone’s Feelings For You

This person is having a hard time gathering his or her thoughts about you. There is definitely a lack of sureness, they don’t know if they want to stay with you. Their feeling for you are not clear or they don’t have feelings for you at all. Either way, this person is not interested in you. If you’re asking about a potential romantic partner, this person is feeling protective of their feelings, this person doesn’t want to open up with you. You’re not going anywhere with this person, a relationship with this person has no future.

Most likely, this person has a lack of certainty. He or she doesn’t know what they want at the moment. Maybe they don’t know if they want to commit to a serious relationship. They might be going through a hard time, their thoughts are all over the place. So, they don’t have enough focus now to be in a relationship with you. This person doesn’t have control over their life, which is creating a toxic spiral that if you’re not careful enough, you might be sucked in. In this particular moment, you can’t afford to take that responsibility into your life. Remember that your well-being will always be your priority.

You might’ve noticed this person is struggling and not giving you any answers. You may have wondered if you could help them solve the situation, but there’s nothing you can do here. This is situation they need to deal on their own. That’s not going to change their view of you, it doesn’t matter if you try to help them, it’s not going to change the way they see you. They’re not interested in you.

The person you’re asking for knows what he or she wants and sadly, they don’t seem to find that in you. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them, there’s no need in beating yourself for this rejection. Please understand that rejection is a redirection, this is not the person for you, there’s someone out there who was created just for you. Someone that will treat you just the way you deserve.

Feel lucky that you’re free of this someone you’re asking for because that relationship was not for you, it was going to cause you unhappiness and trouble. Right now, you had to experience that in order to be on the right path. Love is coming for you, just hold on and wait until your path connects with the right person for you.



Mark Macsparrow

Mark has been working with the Tarot and his own spiritual development for around two decades. He shares his opinion on spiritual matters with a NO BS approach.