What Does the Empress Tarot Card Mean
The Empress is a major arcana and a high energy card in the Tarot. It’s rarely just a card confirming an existing message to a spread and is always worth paying attention to.
Before we get too far into the details of what the Empress means in the Tarot I want to remind you not to rely too heavily on the meaning of just one card. The Tarot conveys guidance and meaning with the combination and position of the entire spread, not just a single card.
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The Empress is represented as a young woman, seated on a throne, holding a scepter in her left hand. A shield in her right hand on which is engraved as an imperial eagle.
The scepter symbolizes power and some divinatory abilities, while the golden eagle on the shield represents the empire and the victory of good over evil. The eagle is an extraordinary animal, able to stare into the sun and rise above the clouds.
The Empress, in her being feminine, like the Papessa, also speaks to us of fertility. However, it’s not a question of physical fecundity but of intellectual fecundity. The Empress represents, therefore, the “mental spark”.
This arcane symbolizes intelligence, creativity, culture, and the energy of action, joy, and dynamism. It’s a very favorable card for writers, students, publishers, and all those who have made the mind the professional tool par excellence.
Upright: initiative, femininity, fruitfulness
Reversed: dependence, doubt, ignorance
This card of the Major Arcana is the Mate to the Emperor.
Abundant creativity · Fertility · Fulfillment · Mother figure · Productivity
KEY #3 The Empress’s Meaning
Traditionally associated with strong maternal influence, the presence of the Empress is excellent news if you are looking for harmony in your marriage or hoping to start a family. Any artistic endeavors you are currently associated with are also likely to be more successful, as this card often finds those exposed to strong bursts of creative or artistic energy. That creative energy may not be in the form of a painting or art project, however: This card also suggests a very strong possibility of pregnancy — not necessarily yours, but you might be seeing a new addition to your extended family or the family of a close friend in the near future! This card is a good portent for you and those around you.
The last opportunity you had is proving its influence now. Whether business, personal, or artistic, a new partnership will require your continued effort to succeed. Remember your most resourceful behaviors, but especially your discipline.
There may be a new beginning unfolding before you and you decided its quality. Be understanding and especially sensitive to the emotional aspects of life. A loved one will need a helping hand or light in the dark. The role is yours to fill, no matter your choice.
The future will bring healing and respite for your emotional and physical wounds. Spending time walking on new paths will be more beneficial than mending bridges. Your investments will pay off if you carefully tend them.
Yes / No Key Interpretation
The Empress stands for all things motherly. A nurturing, loving problem solver, she indicates successful business ventures or other positive, productive opportunities to come. She suggests moving forward to fulfill your full potential, and the answer you seek is yes.
The Empress card in tarot may indicate the success of an enterprise or the favorable outcome of a decision.
From an emotional point of view, this card may indicate a period of great happiness and stability for couples. It may also indicate an impending engagement or marriage.
The qualities to associate with a person indicate a very practical, intelligent, and successful woman who succeeds in whatever she does.
However, if the Empress in tarot cards is upside down, she will take on negative meanings. There may be betrayal and evil tongues lurking.
It could indicate a problematic time when laziness could hinder us in our endeavors. For affection, it means a dark period is coming, which will lead to a cooling of passion, quarrels, and misunderstandings.
The Empress in tarot determines in negative a very superficial person who is unable to feel true and intense feelings and on whom it is impossible to rely.