What is the Meaning of the Queen of Pentacles in a Love Reading?

Mark Macsparrow
3 min readAug 22, 2020


Tarot readings are one of the oldest methods used to effectively read a person’s future. Inspiring several other versions (like Italian Tarrocchini), the cards have become a popular part of today’s culture. Each pack consists of 52 cards, all of which showing different images, which can sometimes represent the meaning of the card, and one of these is the Queen of Pentacles. This card can mean several different things, and particularly in love readings, she shows positivity, and if you are looking to find the meaning of the Queen of Pentacles in a love reading, then read on!

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What is the Queen of Pentacles?

The Queen of Pentacles is the 13th card in the tarot pack. She is a part of the minor arcana set and is depicted as being both down-to-earth and very rich, which is shown through the image on different variations of the card. In general, the Queen of Pentacles could show healing, anxiety, gratitude, dependence or resourcefulness, so it depends on what the question you are asking is, and whether the card is upright or reversed.

Queen of Pentacles Meaning in a Love Reading

The Queen of Pentacles has several meanings. but in a love reading, in particular, she can show specific details about the future. In most readings, if she is the upright position (you place the card the right way around), the queen shows a motherly figure there to guide you through life. In some love readings, she can also represent that all the information you need to make a big decision is present. However, below are some of the more specific meanings of the queen of pentacles in a love reading.


One of the queen of pentacles’ main symbolisms in love readings is a reassurance that what your heart desires will be delivered to you. Whether you are hoping for a proposal, wishing for a pregnancy or simply looking for an answer to where the breakup went wrong, then the queen represents support and a good chance that what you are hoping for will happen.


This depends on how you interpret the cards, but the queen of pentacles in a love reading could mean that either a partner is being unloyal to you, or, more likely, that you need to be more loyal and nurturing to them. This could be seen as a warning, but it all depends on your personal circumstance.


Paired with specific cards, the reversed Queen of Pentacles could show a conflict brewing in a relationship with a younger person — this could be a child but is usually a lover (depending on the situation). However, the reverse queen could also depict a new romantic interest in a professional environment, such as the workplace, so again, it depends on your question.

Overall, the Queen of Pentacles gives a positive message, or at least support and guidance to avoid conflict. The card can be interpreted tons of different ways, and the meaning changes with different combinations and questions, but the most common Queen of Pentacles meanings for love to remember are reassurance, loyalty and trouble.



Mark Macsparrow

Mark has been working with the Tarot and his own spiritual development for around two decades. He shares his opinion on spiritual matters with a NO BS approach.